
I, Jedi

Has anybody here read I, Jedi? I just finished it and it was quite good. The first-person perspective was kind of neat and worked out better than I would have thought.

It was also cool to see the events of the Jedi Academy trilogy from Corran Horn's perspective. And, Horn is just a cool character period. Also I, Jedi had the best descriptions I've read about how it feels to sense and use the Force. It made it seem like a very real part of the world. I need to go check my midichlorian count to see if I'm getting closer to Jedi levels.


  1. I haven't read it yet, but it's on my to-do list... Thanks for the review!

  2. lol! i started reading it last winter!!! i got a few chapters in, and really was enjoying it, then life took over and i still haven't picked it back up yet. thanks for the inspiration/reminder. i'll pick it back up again soon!

    i love, love, love the jedi academy series. i really want to read the x-wing series, as i've heard such good feedback on it. it's a little daunting with a large series of books, but i will get to them someday too!

    are you reading forward rj? callista trilogy next perhaps? from what i've heard, that one is skippable, but the next one - black feet crisis trilogy, is rather good from what i hear.

    at one point i was trying to read chronologically, but then i started jumping around, especially because of book releases from different eras. will it ever end?

  3. I'm largely reading forward, but on multiple fronts and with some jumping around.

    For instance, I'm working forward from I, Jedi, while alternating with working forward through the NJO (I'm reading Destiny's Way right now). And, for now, I'm skipping any books I can't get in the library, which has only been a couple.

    And, yes, I'd have to say the x-wing books are great (both the Stackpole and Allston ones). If you like Star Wars stories that aren't all about Jedi and Skywalkers and Solos, they are excellent

  4. Is 'I, Jedi' post-RotJ? I kind of had this on my list as the next one to read, but you know me and EU stuff - not great bedfellows.
    The last one I read was 'The Cestus Deception' - and I enjoyed that one immensely!!
    Now I'm currently on a non-Star Wars kick - just finished 'god is not Great' and now reading about the history of British comedy writing. Need a SW fix soon though...

  5. I, Jedi is post-ROTJ. And me and the EU -- very nice bedfellows. The EU and I make sweet, sweet love. Did I type that out loud?

  6. Heh heh, do you really want to hear about my I, Jedi experience? Mirax practically had a nervous breakdown over my reading habits! LOL!

    Because I started reading it just before our big Vegas move, I ended up taking almost 6 months to get through it. I really enjoyed the book, but because I didn't have the momentum needed to really get the full effect, I think I missed out on something.

    I will say this, though: I, Jedi is the Full Metal Jacket of the Star Wars world.

    ...except that Coran wasn't a psycho...

  7. A great novel; easily one of my favorites.

  8. I read I, Jedi just last month and loved it!

    Glad you liked it, too. :)

    I really like Horn. I think he is very interesting!

  9. I read it a little while back and posted a blog on the SW site about my thoughts on it.
    It was a good read ... the 1st person perspective was very different and cool for SW. Really got an in-depth look at Corran, and also Luke's attempts at restoring the Jedi Order.
